As part of our permit, we conduct an excavation of all nests to assess the contents. Compared to the last few seasons, we were fortunate and didn’t experience as many severe weather impacts to our nests yielding higher hatchling emergence compared to recent years.
We accounted for 3306 emerged hatchlings during 2022!
- 3175 hatchlings from 3865 eggs for an overall emergence success of 82%.
- Average loggerhead nest size was 104 eggs (ranging from 70-147 eggs).
- Average loggerhead incubation period was 63 days (ranging from 58-69 days).
- 131 hatchlings from 270 eggs (49%)
- Incubation of 65 and 67 days
- One of these nests was impacted by heavy rains yielding a very small amount of hatchling emergence.