We’d like to thank our 2022 Volunteers for the time they spent protecting our nesting and hatching sea turtles this year! They participated in FWC and local training required as part of our permit and were assigned various shifts throughout the season. While on the beach we are working to protect the sea turtles and provide educational information. We appreciate all of the dedication, we couldn’t have done it without you!
-Morning surveys ran from May 1 – Oct 23
-Nesting volunteers were on call May 1 – Sep 15 to mark any nests found at any time of day or night and responding to reports of nest damage (i.e. being washed away by high surf)
-Hatching volunteers monitored from July 22 – Oct 20 locating almost 2000 hatchlings that were disoriented
-Volunteers conducted excavations of all nests
-Classroom presentations were made to elementary students
-We conducted education outreach to share information on our sea turtle nesting and hatching protection efforts
P.S. Our permit has a limit to the number of volunteers. We collect volunteer applications early each year around February. If you are a resident interested in applying to be a volunteer, use the Contact form here on our website in February and request an application.